We Always Believe

God Is Above All Things

Why do bees sting us? Why is the sky blue? What is inside my bean bag chair? How long does it take to get to the moon? We want to communicate with quality answers, but that it is also okay to not know everything. Humans are limited. While, God is unlimited, all knowing and all spiritual. As a Christian, we study knowing God. The God who knows all things. (Isaiah 55:6-9; Ecclesiastes 5:1-5; Psalms 139:1-14 Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 147:5) This site will help us know Him... before we get to know Him. We start with Originals Sins that separated us from God.

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Welcome To ASL Christians

Why should we become Christians?

How does one become a Christian? Do we need to go to a church as beautiful as this image? Is the Church a building? Do we have to be married? There are many questions about being a Christian. True believers do not believe Christian is the building or anything but how we build the temple in our hearts. We go to church to gather with other Christians to help us get to know God together. Below is Rex's sermon about Why do Christians go to Church? Please watch and enjoy...

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Waves Of Grace

Saved by Grace by Faith

What is Grace? It is a mercy, not merit.” Grace is the opposite of karma, which is all about getting what you deserve. We can not work for God's Grace. We learn it by applying it to our everyday life choices to do good for ourselves that will help others do good too. However, Christians Grace is knowing God who is a merciful God. Getting to know Him and accepting Him. In this way, we now get to know God as the Living God. Grace is not God doing 95 or even 99.9 percent, with us making up the difference. Grace is God doing 100 percent and our humble acceptance of it, recognizing that we are unworthy and have nothing to contribute. This is hard to understand... Lets start with ASL Sermon: Saved by Grace by Faith by Dean “Rex” DeRusso.

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About us…

Currently, ASL Christians will be working with several church out there on building ways to improve the light and salt of Christ so that the ASL community can see the work of the Holly Spirit.  We can see the work of God in our mission, vision and Doctrinal Statement. Thank you,  please pray for this site and God’s guidance on making this happen.  It’s His work not ours. In Christ, Dean “Rex” DeRusso

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